Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kitchen Cabinets installed and bathroom almost done

Now that we are at the start of week 5, a lot has been done this past week:

  • Installed new kitchen cabinets

  • Finished the drywall and drywall sanding

  • Installed wooden countertop to hold the actual countertop

Here are pictures of the results so far.
Picture below: Bathroom done (except for painting, closing the electrical outlets, and fixing the bathtub slow drain)

Kitchen pictures that show the new cabinets

Kitchen Cabinet Pick Up
I had to coordinate the delivery of the kitchen cabinets since the store doesn't deliver them. I had movers scheduled to pick them between 3 and 4pm last Monday. I worked from home last Monday to be able to be free during this time. Unfortunately, the movers were late and informed me they were arriving at 5pm, which wasn't going to work out because the store closed at 5pm. Thankfully, the store sales clerk accepted to wait longer. They arrived eventually at 5:30pm and loaded the truck! Phew! It was quite stressful.

I Moved In
Yes, I moved into the apartment, err.. construction site. :) I spent the whole day today cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the bathroom and bedroom floors to remove dust. Then I painted the laundry room and the new sheetrock above the bathroom sink with a coat of primer. I taped around all trims in preparation for painting all bathroom walls with regular paint. This will probably happen sometime this upcoming week, during one of my free evenings.

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