Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ikea closet finally assembled!

After over two months, finally now the Ikea closet is fully assembled. When I purchased it, I tried assembling it myself. A friend of mine also helped out once. I was able to assemble the two closets that go side by side, including adding shelves and drawers. However, the sliding doors were too daunting because there were too many screws and the instructions were a long list of pages and required drilling. Each door is made up of three pieces of frosted glass.

The contractor finally had time to come over and do it himself. It took him three hours. Not bad. I'm so happy that it's all done now and I can just put my clothes in and not worry about dusting it.

On this subject, I wanted to point out that the oddity in my apartment is that it has too many closets, except in the bedroom, where closets are mostly needed, it had only a tiny one. Now after this new closet is finished, it occurred to me that maybe the Ikea closet I got is too big. Since the bedroom already has a small closet, a medium-sized one would have been sufficient. The new closet is extra tall and almost reaches the ceiling. Plus, when I walk around in the apartment, I am surrounded by all the more closets. The dining room has two: one is large with a rod in it, and the second one adjacent to it is smaller and only has shelves. Next to it, is the pantry closet in the kitchen. Then in the entry way, there is a small closet with shelves as well. Wow, so many closets!! Everyone always asks what the closets are in the dining room. They intrigue people because they have doors.

I also have a storage room in the basement to store more stuff.

With all this storage space, I have to get creative to find ways to use these. Well, let's see, what can these be used for? I had an idea to open up the larger closet in the dining room and convert it to cabinets for plates and silverware, but I already have enough cabinet space in the kitchen. In the small closet, I already put liquor (including the ones I used for the house-warming party). The basement storage room has my bicycle and boxes. But there is still more room. Maybe I can create a wine cellar, although this requires having a guy in the household. As a woman living by myself, I don't consume that much alcohol and I don't host that many parties...

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