Saturday, September 24, 2011

One more project

So the window company didn't do any work to fix the rotten wood problem around the windows facing the street. They said that they don't have any carpentry skills. I knew that before I hired them but hired them anyway because they were a little cheaper than others. The window company owner told me to fix the external wood trim by myself by using wood filler. My father helped out with the living room window and I finished his work after he left. So we kind of rescued that window, although it wasn't as damaged as the bedroom window. Also, the living room window was easier to fix because it has a small balcony in front of it. The bedroom window trim is the one that is severely damaged.

After the new windows got installed, I asked the contractor to fix the damaged wood trims but he said they were too rotten to fix. So now this has turned into a larger project. He will come next Saturday and spend the whole day working on it. He will have to put scaffolding up to be able to work on the exterior area from outside since there is no balcony. He will have to remove the new window, fix the wood around the entire opening, and then reinstall the window and put one coat of primer on the new wood trim.

I made a mistake when picking the window company. I should have just bought the windows from a window company and I should have let my contractor do the entire installation. Sometimes, it's important to trust one's contractor and not be too much focused on the dollars. In the end, when trying to save too much, it ends up costing more.

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